Did You Know? 1 Chapter Books July 29, 2021August 1, 2021 There are 5 books in the Bible with only one chapter. Can you name them all? Share the Message
Did You Know? Mathematically Speaking Through Jesus’ life, death, & resurrection, He fulfilled over 300 prophecies recorded in the Old Testament. Mathematically speaking that would… Share the Message
Did You Know? Census In the Old Testament a census would not include anyone from the tribe of Levi. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Traveling to Bethlehem Are you loving these Christmas Did You Knows as much as I am? Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to… Share the Message
Did You Know? Solomon Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, wrote over a thousand songs, knew all about plants & wildlife, and people came from around… Share the Message
Did You Know? In the Beginning The books of Genesis and John both begin with the words, “In the beginning”. Share the Message Share the Message