Did You Know? 342 Years February 10, 2021February 9, 2021 History tells us Abraham lived approximately 342 years after the flood. Share the Message
Did You Know? December 25 December is a cold and rainy month in Bethlehem so the shepherds probably would not have been in the fields…. Share the Message
Did You Know? Paul’s Letters All of Paul’s letters (except maybe Philemon) make reference to Satan. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? David and Battles Even though David was only around 15 years old, he was not afraid of Goliath. He had complete confidence that… Share the Message
Did You Know? 12 Disciples It was no coincidence that Jesus called 12 disciples. These men represented the 12 tribes of Israel. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Book of Ezra In the book of Ezra, 8 chapters were originally written in Hebrew and 2 chapters were originally written in Aramaic…. Share the Message