One Year through the Bible

Suggested Reading Plan

Join me today as we study God’s Word and see how it comes to life the more we read. Studying the Bible is an important part of our journey with Jesus so let’s dig in deeper and discover the truths God has for us.

7 Tips to Help You Effectively Study Your Bible

  1. Pray before you start. The Lord can help you understand the truths of what He’s written when you ask Him to open your eyes & your heart and give you wisdom.
  2. Understand the context of what you’re reading. Knowing who it was written to, who wrote it, what was going on at that time, etc can help you grasp what the meaning is behind the message.
  3. Make reading a habit. Set a timer, subscribe to a daily reading plan, set your Bible next to your bed. Whatever you can do to make it easy starts helping you build a habit.
  4. Memorize verses. Start with short ones if you need to! Knowing God’s Word will help you in every area of your life.
  5. Use tools. There are tons of great commentaries, concordances, lexicons, and atlases to help you!
  6. Learn with friends. Having someone to study with or bounce ideas off of is a great way to learn. Plus, you can hold each other accountable.
  7. Be humble. You don’t know everything about Scripture no matter who you are. Be open to discovering something new that just might be different than what you were taught

Coming to Life

A One Year Journey Through God’s Word

Are you reading through the Bible with me this year? I created the Coming to Life workbook to help you dig deeper into your study. This resource is different from the Bible study you are probably used to.  It is going to give you history, fun facts, and information about every book of the Bible.  It is going to show you how the books fit together, how the Bible is divided, and how it is applicable to you today.  It will give you a foundational understanding of God’s story so that as you dig deeper you will be able to better comprehend what you are reading and be more effective in your personal studies.

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