Did You Know? Book of Jonah June 18, 2021June 17, 2021 The book of Jonah is the only prophetical book that focuses on a story of the prophet instead of his writings. There is actually only one single sentence of prophecy in the entire book. Share the Message
Did You Know? Old Testament The Old Testament covers about 4000 years of history but was written over approximately 1400 years by 27 different authors…. Share the Message
Did You Know? Luke 2:7 Luke 2:7 says that Mary placed her newborn son in a manger. We portray that manger as being in a… Share the Message
Did You Know? Isaiah YAY! December is here and I can start sharing some of my “Christmas Did You Knows”! This is one of… Share the Message
Did You Know? Mark Mark did not focus on writing to the Jews or even people who were familiar with the Old Testament. Instead,… Share the Message