Coming to Life

Coming to Life is a project that was birthed because of my strong desire to understand the Bible. I heard about Jesus as a young girl, but the Bible always seemed intimidating to me. Because of that, I didn’t read it often, so I didn’t understand how the God who created the universe wanted a personal relationship with me.  As I grew in my faith, I asked Him to speak to me and help me understand the amazing book He gave us.  The Holy Spirit literally started making God’s Word come off the pages as I read. I quickly realized how it was making my soul and heart come to life. It is an experience I want to share with you.

I am currently studying theology at Liberty University because I never want to stop learning about my Savior. In the fall of 2020, God inspired me with a new project to help others understand all that I am learning. My desire is to invite everyone into the possibility of this amazing, transformational experience as God’s Word begins coming to life inside of you.

This resource is different from the Bible study you are probably used to.  It is going to give you history, fun facts, and information about every book of the Bible.  It is going to show you how the books fit together, how the Bible is divided, and how it is applicable to you today.  It will give you a foundational understanding of God’s story so that as you dig deeper you will be able to better comprehend what you are reading and be more effective in your personal studies.

There will be a ton of videos from me but also some fun bonus videos from my friends to keep it exciting.  The workbook will help you remember what you are learning, give you some great resources, and guide you in reading the Bible all the way through in one year.

My prayer is that Coming to Life will be life-giving and grow you closer to Jesus Christ. Because that is what matters most. Click here to SHOP Now and order your workbook and t-shirt today!

When you purchase the Coming to Life Workbook, 100% of the money generated will be donated to Lifesong for Orphans!

What is Lifesong for Orphans?

Lifesong for Orphans is an organization that is near and dear to my heart.  Their goal is to reach orphaned and vulnerable children with gospel-centered care through funding Christian adoptions, supporting global care ministries, and fueling sustainable business initiatives.  They know that children are near to God’s heart, and He has called and empowered us to change their outcome.  With Lifesong’s 100% pledge, all money donated to them will go directly towards those in need and none of it will be used for administrative costs!  That is almost unheard of!

For more information about this amazing organization visit Lifesong for Orphans.

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