Did You Know? Did You Know – Paul February 16, 2023February 17, 2023 In 2 Timothy 4, Paul writes, “I have fought the good fight”. He wasn’t saying that he did a good job fighting…he was saying that the fight itself was good. In other words, it was worth fighting. Share the Message
Did You Know? Biblical Accounts 10% of the gospels directly quote or allude to previously written biblical accounts. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? How many? Traditionally, we believe that there were 3 wise men because 3 gifts were present to Jesus, but the Bible does… Share the Message
Did You Know? Names Simon Peter’s name appears 188 times in the New Testament. Paul’s name is found 162 times. The other original apostles… Share the Message
Did You Know? Noah Noah lived another 350 years after the end of the flood. Share the Message Share the Message