Blog | Prayer Do you ever Pray with Desperation ? December 13, 2022January 4, 2023 So many people struggle with prayer and I completely understand! It’s taken me years to pray with zeal and urgency, but that is exactly how we need to pray! Pray with desperation. Share the Message
Blog | Prayer What is Prayer? Prayer can be Biblically defined as: Psalm 143:8 Lifting up our soul to God. Psalm 62:8 Pouring out our hearts… Share the Message
Names of God Jehovah Tsidkenu NAMES OF GOD – DAY 20 NAME: Jehovah TsidkenuPRONOUNCED: juh-ho-vuh sid kay newTIMES FOUND: 2FIRST USED: Jeremiah 23:6MEANING: The Lord… Share the Message
Blog | Coming to Life Coming to Life – Bonus Video: Solomon The newest bonus video is here!! I am excited for you to hear from my good friend Caleb Matheny. He… Share the Message
Blog The Lord Healed Me One night, we had a terrifying encounter with something truly demonic. In our darkest hour, we had to dig deep… Share the Message
Blog What is a Christian? I recently got brought into a discussion on what it means to be a Christian. Friends, we overcomplicate it sometimes!… Share the Message
Blog | God's Big Story God’s Big Story: Act VI I am taking a break from my regularly scheduled Coming to Life videos to share with you a mini-series I’ve… Share the Message