Feel the Fire
The Israelites suffered under terrible situations in Egypt, but when things got tough in the wilderness, they begged to go back. They knew what to expect in Egypt. It was a well-known, comfortable kind of hard.
Moses, on the other hand, spent his time in Egypt as wealthy royalty. He never looked back, no matter how tough the wilderness was. Do you know why? He had felt the fire. He knew the One who had saved him. He had been in the presence of his Creator. He experienced the love of his Father, and he trusted wholly in His plan.

When you go through new seasons in life, it can be challenging or scary. When you understand your purpose and trust in the One who promises to be your guide, you learn what true freedom is, and you never look back.
God doesn’t promise there won’t be challenges in life, but He does promises to walk right beside you, leading you, providing for you, and giving you strength. If you are struggling today, get in His presence. Feel His fire. Get to know Him, and experience His incredible love. I promise – you will find true freedom.