

If you want to understand the Bible, then you must understand the book of Genesis. It is the very foundation of a person’s faith because everything starts here. This book not only describes the creation of the world, but also the incredible promises God made with His chosen people.

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Order Coming to Life Workbook

Have you ordered the Coming to Life Workbook? This resource is different from the Bible study you are probably used to.  It is going to give you history, fun facts, and information about every book of the Bible.  It is going to show you how the books fit together, how the Bible is divided, and how it is applicable to you today.  It will give you a foundational understanding of God’s story so that as you dig deeper you will be able to better comprehend what you are reading and be more effective in your personal studies.

The workbook will help you remember what you are learning, give you some great resources, and guide you in reading the Bible all the way through in one year.

Order your Coming to Life Workbook Here

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