God’s Plan for You is Good!
Do you ever feel like a failure? You are not alone! A few years ago God spoke to me and told me that I was going to be a writer and a speaker. While I had believed in Him since I was born, I was not raised in a Christian home and my knowledge of his word was very minimal. I laughed at him and told him he was going to have to give me the words because I was neither of those things and I clearly didn’t know enough to do it on my own well. I discovered that God never wants us to do it on our own so I started trying to be obedient.
Praise the lord
I’m Pastor Mourice Okuthe from, i have more interested in your Ministries and i love to partner with you in your ministry. Please welcome here in Kenya. Please visit us here in Kenya and bring us gospel. You’re more welcomed.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you more,
Pastor Mourice Okuthe
From Kenya.