Did You Know? Jesus’ Name May 17, 2021May 19, 2021 Jesus’ name or title is written 51 times in the book of Philippians, which only has 104 verses. Share the Message
Did You Know? Peter and John Peter and John were imprisoned. James was beheaded. Stephen was stoned. Paul was flogged five times, beaten with rods three… Share the Message
Did You Know? 150 Psalms There are 150 psalms. Most scholars agree King David wrote 73 of them, although the Septuagint credits him with 85…. Share the Message
Did You Know? Solomon Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, wrote over a thousand songs, knew all about plants & wildlife, and people came from around… Share the Message
Did You Know? How many? Traditionally, we believe that there were 3 wise men because 3 gifts were present to Jesus, but the Bible does… Share the Message
Did You Know? Paul’s Letters All of Paul’s letters (except maybe Philemon) make reference to Satan. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Biblical Accounts 10% of the gospels directly quote or allude to previously written biblical accounts. Share the Message Share the Message