Did You Know? Luke 2:7 December 13, 2021December 15, 2021 Luke 2:7 says that Mary placed her newborn son in a manger. We portray that manger as being in a barn or stable, yet the Bible does not say that. Historians believe He was most likely born. in either a cave or the basement of a family member’s home. Share the Message
Did You Know? Paul’s Letters All of Paul’s letters (except maybe Philemon) make reference to Satan. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Author of Ecclesiastes The author of Ecclesiastes is identified by the Hebrew word Qoheleth which means teacher but most scholars agree that is… Share the Message
Did You Know? Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh and only consists of what we call the Old Testament. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? 6 Hours Jesus spent 6 hours on the cross before dying. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Pentecost You may think Pentecost was first mentioned in Acts, but it was actually a holiday celebrated throughout Jewish history and… Share the Message
Did You Know? How many? Traditionally, we believe that there were 3 wise men because 3 gifts were present to Jesus, but the Bible does… Share the Message