Names of God | Uncategorized El Olam NAMES OF GOD – DAY 4 NAME: El OlamPRONOUNCED: el o-lam’TIMES FOUND: 4FIRST USED: Genesis 21:33MEANING: The Everlasting GodFAVORITE VERSE:… Share the Message
Uncategorized Elohim NAMES OF GOD – DAY 7 NAME: ElohimPRONOUNCED: el-o-heemTIMES FOUND: 2500+FIRST USED: Genesis 1:1MEANING: God, The Supreme OneFAVORITE VERSE: Psalm… Share the Message
Names of God | Uncategorized El Elyon NAMES OF GOD – DAY 3NAME: El ElyonPRONOUNCED: el el-yon’TIMES FOUND: 28 (19 in Psalms)FIRST USED: Genesis 14:18MEANING: The Most… Share the Message
Uncategorized NAMES OF GOD – DAY 6 NAME: El ShaddaiPRONOUNCED: el shad-di’TIMES FOUND: 7FIRST USED: Genesis 17:1MEANING: The AlmightyFAVORITE VERSE: Genesis… Share the Message
Uncategorized Jesus Praying In the Gospels, there are 15 accounts of Jesus praying. Eleven are found in the book of Luke. Share the… Share the Message