I am a mom. I am also a wife, a Christian, a business owner, a teacher, a speaker, and a writer. Of all those, raising my kids has to be the toughest job! I have nine beautiful, amazing children. Some of them are biological, some are adopted, some are stepchildren, but all of them are mine. Words cannot express how much I love each of them. It is an unconditional kind of love, which is something that I had never experienced before having them. Do they screw up sometimes? Of course. Do I love them anyways? Of course. There is nothing that they could do to make me not love them. If you are a mom, then you understand the unexplainable joy that children bring. This is the same way that God feels about us.
Our primary role as a mother is to train our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). We need to show them a Christ-centered life that glorifies God. This is going to take persistence, determination, patience, wisdom, and a whole lot of love. The videos on this page will share wisdom from my experiences, humorous stories about my failures, and practical application that can help guide your journey through motherhood.
God Is A LIFE GIVER: Viewing God’s Love From A Mother’s Perspective
Explore the profound connection between God’s life-giving nature and a mother’s unwavering devotion. In this insightful video, we examine the parallels between divine love and a mother’s perspective. Join us as we dive into this thought-provoking topic and uncover the essence of life and love. 🌱🤱🙏