Did You Know? Paul’s Letters July 13, 2021July 14, 2021 All of Paul’s letters (except maybe Philemon) make reference to Satan. Share the Message
Did You Know? Last Days 25% of Luke’s gospel, 33% of Matthew’s, 40% of Mark’s and 50% of John’s is about the last 7 days… Share the Message
Did You Know? Prophetic Books Prophetic books are generally what are called anthologies, which means short messages put together. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Matthew There are over 100 references to the Old Testament in the book of Matthew. Share the Message Share the Message
Did You Know? Names Simon Peter’s name appears 188 times in the New Testament. Paul’s name is found 162 times. The other original apostles… Share the Message
Did You Know? Why December 25? Many believe December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus in order to replace a pagan holiday previously… Share the Message
Did You Know? Translated The entire Bible has been translated into over 700 languages and the New Testament into over 1,550. Share the Message Share the Message