Pentecost Sunday
You may think Pentecost was first mentioned in Acts, but it was actually a holiday celebrated throughout Jewish history and is talked about 5 times in the Old Testament. It was commemorated 50 days after the Festival of the First Fruits and represented the beginning of the harvest. How fitting is it that when Jesus ascended into heaven His followers were celebrating Pentecost and became filled with the Holy Spirit? The church grew by over 3,000 people in just 1 day! That’s some harvest!

I encourage you today to reflect on the promises and the power that the Holy Spirit brings into your life. He is your leader, encourager, comforter, and teacher. He gives you boldness and strength, especially when it comes to sharing the gospel with others. Just look at Peter, who denied even knowing Jesus just 40 days before he was seen preaching the news of His resurrection to thousands of people!
If you are brave, try asking the Holy Spirit to give you that same boldness…just be prepared because Scripture says if you ask you will receive.
Dear Beloved Brethren,
Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so
Glad to write this loving letter to you. We are so glad to see your good works on the website. I also thank Lord for giving us a great communication to share one another. Before introducing myself, we are assuring our continued prayers for your ministry and for your dear family in all our prayers and you! Please do pray for us and for our ministry in Kenya. My name is Pastor Benson Gwako have been preaching the gospel and also Evangelism and doing our best as much as we can for 2years and
We are heartily inviting you and your team to Kenya to partner with us and share your wonderful teachings with us which will really equip us and also win thousands of souls into the Kingdom of Heaven through your powerful and spiritually filled messages.
Kenyans with many religion, but we are Christians who are intending to know more about the Kingdom of God. There are more villages in Kenya where people still do not know Jesus. We do care for 25 Orphaned and abandoned children. We save these children to win them for Christ. We are accommodating them in our homes and we are praying for having an Orphanage Home.
Please do encourage us and do help this children if you blessed by the Lord.
We need your support for this project. We are also in need of drilling a well in the village for giving water to the brethren since water is a inessential element in our daily life. Please do encourage us in the sea areas if you can save a village with a well of salvation.?
We do also support 5 widows in the church and there are so many widows who desperately need help.(James1:27). Please do pray for the needs of our ministry and also we are requesting you to please visit Kenya so that you will know that we are a genuine ministry. Please let us know of your schedule and please inform our ministry activities in whatever way you can help us,? Or encourage us to your churches, friends, relatives, crusade speakers who are interested in helping.
with the work of Lord in Kenya. Our letter is not to solicit out for funding all of our activities, but we are only
Telling you of our activities and if you are only led by the Lord, we ask you to encourage us and guide us and support us and visit us and give your valuable suggestions and also pray for us as God answers
Our prayers and fulfill our needs.
We also request you to please send us your messages which will be inform of Cds, books and also the Bibles. We will really be thankful for your support and products.
We close our letter with love and greetings and hugs to you. Your consideration regarding this matter will be highly appreciated. Love to hear from you good news.
Your Loving Brother,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Yeshua HaMasiach. Thank you for your blog, I was looking for a Pentecost post to share and to link with my blog, and I believe the Holy Spirit led me to link your blog post here on my website for a post that I will be posting on this coming Pentecost Sunday, but it’ll be released on Friday, May 17, 2024. Thanks for doing the work of the Kingdom of Yeshua. God Bless.