Pray With Me

Lord, today I pray for all who are reading this who feel tired, weary, or discouraged. They might feel like the only answer is giving up. Supply them now with everything they need to overcome the battles they are facing. Go before them, fight for them, and bring them victory! Help them to know they are deeply loved and cared for as they attempt to give their anxiety to you. Pour your love into their hearts through the Holy Spirit as you turn their suffering into perseverance, then character, and then your beautiful hope.

Give strength to the weary, increase the power of the weak, and renew their strength so they will not grow faint. Remind them that their present sorrows are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in them and the joy that you are bringing. Above all else, give them your wonderful peace, which surpasses our understanding, so they can overcome their troubles as we remember how you have overcome the world!

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