Sign Miracles (part 2)
Read about the first four sign miracles in Part One
Walking on Water
Jesus was in the mountains praying when His disciples set off across the Sea of Galilee in their boat. While they were rowing a strong wind started blowing, the water turned rough, and the disciples became frightened. Jesus came to them, but not by boat. He walked across the water, startling them even more. Jesus calmed their fears by saying, “It is I” and revealing His true identity as the Son of God1.

Jesus used the words “I Am” (or “It is I”) when speaking in the style of the deity and unveiling for man something that is otherwise not known2. The disciples learned from this sign miracle that Jesus had power over natural laws and would never forsake them, even in a storm3.
Sight to the Man Born Blind
Jesus had just escaped being stoned and was walking towards the Temple when He came upon a blind man. Despite the fact that it was the Sabbath, Jesus chose to stop and heal this man. He spit on the ground, made mud, and rubbed it on his eyes. He then commanded the blind man to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man was obedient and received his sight.
The fact that Jesus was willing to stop under these circumstances and heal this man was a great example of His true nature as One who loves and ministers to others4. Some of the Pharisees believed that this miracle could not have been done by the Son of God because He broke a commandment by healing on a Sunday, but others knew that a sinner could not do such a sign5. Jesus shows in this sign miracle that He cares about His followers’ physical needs and has power over the physical laws that bind them6.
Raising Lazarus
Jesus’ dear friend Lazarus became sick, so his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Him. He knew that the sickness would not end in death but would actually glorify Him7. Jesus waited four days before going to Bethany and when He arrived Lazarus was already dead and placed in the tomb. Mary and Martha were distraught, but Jesus assured them that their brother would rise, explaining that whoever believed in Him would never die. Jesus went to the tomb and commanded Martha to remove the stone. Though she did not understand, she was obedient. Jesus commanded in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” and he departed the tomb still wearing grave clothes8.
Jesus allowed Lazarus to lie dead for four days so that this sign miracle would be even more remarkable9. This showed the amazing truth that Jesus has power over death. Just by speaking the words Jesus gave life to Lazarus, just as the Word gives life today10. The result of this sign miracle is that many came to believe that Jesus really was the Son of God11.
Miraculous Catching of the Fish
After Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection He appeared before His disciples who were fishing on the Sea of Galilee. They had not caught anything all night, so Jesus commanded them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. They did and caught so many fish they couldn’t lift the net into the boat. While the main subject of this story is the catching of 153 fish, the fact that the net did not tear, and Peter hauled in the net alone despite its weight are also miracles12.
While this sign miracle occurs after Jesus’ public ministry, it continues to point to the spiritual truth of the Gospel13. Jesus is the Son of God and has complete power over everything. This could only be done by the One who has a special relationship with the Father as God’s hand can be seen in this miracle.
John’s greatest desire is for everyone who reads his Gospel to come to the knowledge that Jesus is the Messiah and have eternal life because of their belief14. To believe in the name of Jesus means to believe that He came from God, taught things of God, died so God’s will could be done, and rose in God’s power15. John includes these signs because they produce the faith needed to accept that Jesus is who He says He is.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Chapter 7.
- Morris, Jesus is the Christ, Chapter 6.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Introduction.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Chapter 10.
- Morris, Jesus is the Christ, Chapter 1.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Introduction.
- John 11:4 (New International Version).
- John 11:43 (New International Version).
- Morris, Jesus is the Christ, Chapter 3.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Chapter 12.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Chapter 12.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Chapter 122.
- Morris, Jesus is the Christ, Chapter 2.
- Towns, The Gospel of John, Introduction.
- Morris, Jesus is the Christ, Chapter 5.