The God of Hope
This week I had a woman reach out to me. She was in a dark place and was considering ending her life. She had dialed the “hotline” but hung up and called me instead. I didn’t know anything about this woman other than her name. I had never counseled someone in this situation before. I had never even had thoughts like hers. I felt like she called the wrong person. I was unprepared, inexperienced, and inadequate. I had no idea what to say…but I knew the One who did.

Did you know that if you are saved the Creator of the universe, the Author of all things, lives inside of you? It is amazing!
He wants to fill you. He wants to guide you. He wants to speak through you. When you surrender your will to His, He can use you to do incredible things. There is power in His holy name!
So, despite being unqualified to help this woman, I was able to experience a beautiful, loving Father speaking words of truth and life to His precious daughter…through me. It was the most amazing thing. Every word that came out of my mouth was obviously not my own…and they were the very words she needed to hear.
Friends, if you don’t know the Holy Spirit personally, I pray He fills you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by His power. I also pray you know that you are deeply loved, valued, cherished, and chosen. He has a plan and purpose for your life. He wants to use you to do great things for His kingdom. Surrender to His will today and watch what He does through you!