Whether you are a new believer or someone who has been following Jesus for a long time, you probably have questions. We are going to answer them. Be sure to subscribe or follow so you never miss a show.


In this episode, we will be digging into the topic of recognizing God’s voice.

  • Ken Hauck: Business go-getter and founder of many companies.
  • Lakan Kimsey: Inspiring storyteller and lead producer and editor for Katie Hauck Ministries.
  • Dave Hauck: Tech geek, teacher, preacher, and follower of Jesus

It is a pet peeve of mine when people say, “I’ve been seeking God, seeking God, seeking God for answers, and He’s not answering me.” I ask, “Okay, how many times have you picked up your Bible?” They reply, “Oh, I haven’t. I just want Him to speak to me.” Well, I feel like, okay, if you’re not going to put the effort into reading His word, that’s how He desires to speak to you the most. It’s in there.

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Got Questions?

Find the Answers You Need for Your Journey!

Do you have QUESTIONS about life? Questions about God? Have you ever wondered what you should do about problems or how you can live your life? Let me help you find the ANSWERS you need for the problems you face in life!

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Life is full of uncertainties, and it’s natural to question whether everything happens for a reason, especially when challenges arise. In these moments, trusting God can feel difficult, yet it’s often through life’s trials that our faith is tested and strengthened. Even when we make mistakes or take wrong turns, God’s grace remains constant. His forgiveness is not bound by our failures but is extended through His boundless love and mercy, assuring us that no mistake is beyond the reach of His redemption.

I got married at 18. I imagined growing old with my high school sweetheart, but 8 years later found myself a single mom with 2 little boys. Well-meaning people would try to comfort me by saying “Everything happens for a reason.” Their intent was sweet, but that didn’t bring me comfort because it didn’t make sense. I believed in God, but I didn’t understand the idea of having a relationship with Him. I could not wrap my head around the idea that a loving God would plan for me to get a divorce. That a kind God would plan for me to suffer. I wondered if I was just a pawn in some game. If everything happened for a reason, then why was He making me go through this?

I began seeking Him & reading His Word. I started attending church & learning about my Savior. Do you know what I discovered? We live in a broken world. We live in a world where people sin because they have free will. We get to make our own choices, & the reason I went through a divorce was because of brokenness, sin, & personal choices. It was not because God planned it from the beginning. As I began understanding His character, I discovered how good He truly is. He said to trust Him & promised He would work all things together for the good of those who love Him & who are called according to His purpose. Yes, He allowed me to go through a trial, but He desired to take my pain & make something beautiful from it.

He has done exceedingly & abundantly more in my life than I could ever imagine. I turned my life around; I started living for Him. I grew deeper in my relationship with Him. Today I have the most amazing husband, who faithfully leads our family. Every day I wake up & thank God for how He has blessed me. That doesn’t mean I don’t go through trials, I do, but I have no doubt He is working all things together for my good & His glory.

You might be facing a trial right now. You might be blaming God or questioning His love. I want to assure you God is not scheming to hurt you. He loves you deeply, more than you can imagine. He has a plan & purpose for your life. Seek Him in all that you do & begin putting your trust in Him. I promise He will work things together for your good.

Deny. That was not a word I ever expected to hear when we were going through our adoption process. To make matters worse, the denial had nothing to do with our family or these children.

I was crushed. I was angry, disappointed, confused, and heartbroken. In that moment, the Lord asked, “Do you trust me?”

I had to wrestle with the questions…Do I trust God when bad news comes? Do I trust God when things don’t work out the way I expect? Do I trust God when the timing isn’t what I hoped for? Do I trust God only in the good times, or was I going to trust Him now? To be completely honest, I took a minute to think about it before I decided to answer YES. It was not something that came naturally but instead was a CHOICE. Sometimes that choice is a hard one to make.

I don’t know where you are at in life right now. You might be going through something incredibly difficult. You might have just received news you never expected to hear. You might be in a battle that seems too big to conquer. Join me and CHOOSE to remember the goodness of God. CHOOSE to trust His plan and His timing. CHOOSE to keep your hope in Him despite your circumstances.

  • Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
  • Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
  • Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

We often search for our identity in the wrong places, but God sees beyond our flaws and past mistakes. Rahab, once labeled by her past, was seen by God for her true worth. He transformed her life, placing her in the lineage of King David and ultimately Jesus. Just as God saw Rahab’s potential, He sees yours. No matter your past, He loves you, values you, and has a plan for your life.

God sees beauty from the inside. God sees potential. God sees what we can’t see in ourselves.

Rahab was a prostitute. She’d made a mess out of her life…but God loved her. He knew her worth. It didn’t matter what she looked like on the outside. God cleaned her up and showed her that He had a plan for her life. Do you know that she went on to become the mother of Boaz, who was the father of Obed, who was the father of Jesse, who was the father of David? King David. Not only that, but King David’s lineage went all the way to Jesus. God took a prostitute, a woman whose body had been used. A woman who was abused. A woman who was called dirty and through her body came the bloodline getting us to Jesus!

God did not see Rahab the way we would have seen her. He wiped her clean and called her beautiful. In the same way, He wants to wipe away your past. He made you, He loves you, and He has a plan for your life.

A common misconception is that good works, being a moral person, or performing religious acts can earn a place in Heaven. But the truth is, no amount of good deeds or service can secure your eternity. Salvation is a gift from God, available only through faith in Jesus Christ. The only way to Heaven is by believing in Jesus, declaring Him as your Lord, and trusting in His sacrifice.

My daughter said something to me recently that absolutely broke my heart, and I’m afraid that there are other people out there who believe what she believes. So, I just had to share this video.

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We adopted my daughter when she was eight years old. A sweet girl, but she went through a season where she was making some bad choices. I explained to her that my job as her mother is to protect her because these choices hurt her. But she continued to make them, so I had no choice but to give her consequences.

She continued to make these bad choices, so I finally got exasperated today. I said to her, “I don’t know what to do. I’ve already grounded you from TV, taken away the tablet, and taken away your VR. Please tell me, what am I supposed to do next?” She looked at me and said in this quiet little voice, “Well, maybe you have to get rid of me.”

She didn’t say it out of anger; she said it in this genuine, sad voice because, in her sweet little heart, she thought maybe it would just be better. Maybe Mom can’t keep forgiving me. Maybe my mom can’t keep loving me. It’s probably best for everyone if I just go.

It hurt my heart so bad that she would believe this. But friends, I think that there are lots of you out there that believe the same thing: that think that your Father in Heaven cannot continue to forgive you for the bad choices that you’ve made, that He can’t keep loving you, that there’s no way He could use you in His kingdom to do good things anymore, and that it would be better if you just walked away.

I’m here to tell you that is so, so far from the truth. When my daughter accepted our offer to adopt her, she became part of our family, and there is absolutely nothing that can separate her from us. There is nothing that she can do that can stop us from loving her. It is the same once you accept Jesus’s offer to be adopted into His family. There is nothing that can separate you from Him. There is nothing that can stop Him from loving you. Read Romans 8, okay?

In fact, His love is so great that He encourages you to follow the law because He understands the earthly consequences when you choose to obey. Just like with my daughter, when I gave her rules, I wanted her to follow those rules not because it determined my love for her, but because I know what’s best for her. I want her to have a good life, and I want her to not have to suffer here because of her choices. It is the same way with your Father in Heaven, who loves you.

When I explained this to my daughter, she ran into my arms and wrapped her arms around me. I just held her and held her and held her. She actually didn’t let go for minutes, and neither did I. I want you to know that all it takes is a moment of repentance where you say, “Jesus, I’m sorry I did this. I want to come home,” and He will accept you. He is waiting with His arms open wide. Run to Him; let Him embrace you. Trust me, He won’t let go.

This is one lie that will condemn you to Hell. Good works does not get you a ticket in. Being a good person will not get you there. Doing good deeds, serving, and donating money will not get you into Heaven. None of that will get you to Heaven.

There’s only one way to get into Heaven and that is by believing in Jesus and declaring Him as your Lord.


Church practices and sacraments are key to the Christian faith. Communion involves eating bread and drinking wine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice. Baptism is the ritual of entering the faith, symbolizing purification and a new start. Tithing is giving a portion of income to support the church, reflecting commitment and generosity.

Jesus first modeled communion in Matthew 26, Luke 22, and Mark 14. This was His last meal with the disciples before He was crucified. They were celebrating the Passover, which reminded them of how God brought them out of their bondage in Egypt. What Jesus was about to do was bring all of us out of bondage as well, the bondage of sin and death.

When He broke the bread and gave it to his disciples said, “Do this in remembrance of me”. This is why the church takes communion. All churches do it at different times and on different schedules, but I once heard a pastor ask, “How often do you need to be reminded of what Jesus did for you?” Truthfully, the answer for me was EVERY SINGLE DAY.

As much as I attempt to allow the Holy Spirit to guide my days, I still fail regularly. I forget how Great our God is. I forget that Jesus calls me holy and redeemed. I forget that He gives me power in His name. I forget that He has freed me from the law of the covenant and grants me unrelenting grace. Communion isn’t a religious service that a minister must lead you in. It is a time of worship and thanks that you can partake in alone, with a group of friends, at your home in your closet, or at your kitchen table – it doesn’t matter.

Baptism is an important step in the life of a believer. It illustrates not only the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior but also represents your new life in Christ. It is an outward testimony of your inward change.

I love how Paul writes in Romans 6:4, “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

If you have never been baptized, I highly recommend you study the topic and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into understanding the importance of taking this step of faith.

The word “tithe” comes from the Hebrew word that literally means tenth, and it is a common understanding that believers need to give a tenth of their income to the church. A lot of people don’t like to talk about the tithe, and a lot of people don’t like to hear about the tithe because they feel like the church just wants their money and will think that they’re a sinner if they don’t give 10.

God required three types of tithing. The first was for the Levites; it was for the Levi’s. They had a special ability, a special responsibility to perform the work of the Tabernacle. The Israelites had to pay them a tithe, that was their income. God also commanded the Israelites to pay 10 percent of whatever their fields produced each year to the church as a tithe. And then every three years, the Israelites were told to bring a tithe in for the foreigners, the fatherless, and the widows who lived in that town.

God explains in Malachi that there’s a curse if they didn’t tithe. He called it robbing from him. This is in Malachi 3:8. He says that not tithing is the same as robbing him. In that same verse, God describes the blessings of if you do tithe. In those blessings, he promises to prevent pests from devouring your crops. He promises that vines would not drop fruit before they were ripe. He says that he will bless so much, he will open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing so great that you don’t have enough room to hold it. It is so awesome.

But it’s very clear, his expectations were clearly described and defined. The Israelites knew what was expected of them. But what about us under the New Covenant? In the New Testament, I want to tell you that tithing is not commanded. In the New Testament, Jesus did speak of the tithe. When he was addressing those who were still living under the Old Testament law, his comments are the only time in the New Testament that tithing is even mentioned. When Jesus died on the cross, he fulfilled the law, and we as believers no longer live under its authority. So no, you are no longer required to fulfill the law, and especially the Mosaic covenants of tithing.

But there’s something that I want to look at with you, and that’s the question of why did God require tithing in the Old Testament. We knew that he wanted the widows taken care of and the Levites taken care of, and, you know, the temples and stuff taken care of. We know that. But is there another reason? And the answer to that is yes, and that’s in Deuteronomy Chapter 14, verse 23. It literally tells us the purpose of the tithe was so that the people would learn how to worship the Lord. That blew my mind when I read that. The purpose of the tithe, is not about money; it is about worship.

Okay, it’s not about obedience; it’s worship. So now, here’s my next question. If the Israelites, who were living under condemnation and law, had to give regular sacrifices for their sins to an inadequate high priest for temporary forgiveness. if they could give 10 in worship, then how much more should we, who live under grace, who have a perfect savior that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could eternally live with our father in Heaven? How much more should we worship?

I also want to point out that giving, while not a requirement, is spoken of a lot in the New Testament. It’s something that should never be done out of obligation but should always be done as worship and thanksgiving for God’s amazing grace. Paul tells the Corinthians they should support those who preach the gospel. He says they should put aside money for collections; they should do so cheerfully. He explains to Timothy that those with finances should be generous and willing to share.

A set amount is not required by Paul anywhere in Scripture, but he says that they should give in accordance to what God has given them. Now, I don’t know about you, but 10 percent of my income does not seem like nearly enough compared to what God has given me. In my opinion, it does not begin to show the Lord how grateful I am for who he is, for what he has done, and for what he continues to do in my life.

But the most important thing is the tithe. It’s not about obedience to the law; it is an opportunity to worship your creator. It’s an opportunity to show him how much you love him. It’s an opportunity to fully surrender to him and trust and say, “I trust your plan.” It is an opportunity that we get to partake in every single week, and it’s one that I look forward to. I hope that you do too.

Now, if you say, “I’ve never given. I’ve never been able to take that step of faith,” and I want to challenge you today—give it a try. Give it a try and see if you aren’t blessed abundantly by the Lord in so many areas of your life. Remember a few minutes ago when I said, “Check out Malachi,” right? And he gave a promise to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there’s not enough room to store. That promise is for you too. He wants to be in your life, and the blessings, not just financial, but he loves you, and he wants to provide for all of your needs, and he wants to do so abundantly. He just wants you to truly, genuinely trust and worship him.

Now, maybe you say, “Katie, I believe in tithing, and I’ve always given 10 percent of my income.” That is awesome. If you’ve never tithed, start small— a dollar, ten dollars, ten percent. But if you’ve always tithed, try something different. Why don’t this week you give 20 percent or 50? Or why don’t you give 100 percent of what you make this week? Give it to the Lord, sow it into his kingdom, and see what God does in your life. I promise you, you will be amazed.

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