Blog How To Share Your Faith & Not FREAK OUT!! May 13, 2022May 13, 2022 I thought sharing my faith was such an impossible task because I was SUPER SHY growing up, but after learning these super-easy tricks I can now say I am WAY MORE comfortable sharing my faith. Share the Message
Blog How To Change Someone’s Whole Day With One Tiny Act Have you ever walked through a really difficult season and needed some encouragement? Considering the times we are living in,… Share the Message
Blog All Things There is no limit to what God can do. Anything a believer could think, dream, ask, or pray for God… Share the Message
Names of God Yahweh NAMES OF GOD – DAY 10 NAME: Yahweh (in Hebrew YHWH)PRONOUNCED: yah-wehTIMES FOUND: 6500+ (more than any other name)FIRST USED:… Share the Message
Blog | Holy Week Old Levitical System In the old Levitical system, sacrifices were made daily to make amends for the sins of the people. Once per… Share the Message
Blog Justification vs Santification The word sanctification comes from the Greek word “hagiasmos” and is defined as consecration or purification of one’s heart and… Share the Message
Blog | Coming to Life Coming to Life – Joel The book of Joel is a small book in the Bible, only 3 chapters, but it contains a big message. … Share the Message