Praying with Passion
The account of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane is told in all four gospels. While each had its own perspective, with slight variations, they all showed Jesus as sorrowful and distressed. Many believe that when He prayed, “Let this cup pass” He was praying out of fear of suffering or death.
Sadly, suffering was not new to Jesus as He contended with it throughout His earthly ministry. He also knew that upon death He would return to His Father in Heaven, so there would be no fear for Him in that. The cup He was speaking about was referring to the sins of all humanity. Hebrews 2:9 tells us that Jesus tasted death for every man, and I’m sure it wasn’t a pleasant taste. When Jesus prayed, He was not shrinking back from his obligation, He was simply overwhelmed at what He knew was to come.